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The Brown’s Karate Studio Blog

Read the Brown’s Karate Studio blog to stay updated on our traditional martial arts school in Angleton, TX, and the different classes we offer.

Since we are starting the new year of 2025, I thought it appropriate to start discussing one of my favorite people with your children:  Legendary Coach John Wooden of UCLA Basketball fame!  We will start discussing his famous Pyramid of Success today January 27, 2025.  The discussions will start at the bottom of the pyramid with the two outside base segments:  Industriousness and Enthusiasm.  Find your passion, work hard (those two dirty four letter words!) and do it with love!  After that, we work inward and upward at each new level.  Carpe Diem!  



I talked with the kids about the two dirty four letter words in our society today:  Hard Work or Work Hard!  We have become a society that expects to be paid for staying home…not gonna’ happen in the real world.  That’s what I love about H-town; so many hard working blue collar workers.  That’s what made America great!

Silhouette of man practicing kung fu moves on beach at sunset.


The second outside base of our Pyramid is enthusiasm.  I talked with the kids about whatever sport or life’s work they do, find something that they love to do…and then do it with all you’ve got, everyday all the time.  As they said in Mighty Ducks, “Have fun out there!”


True friendship comes through mutual respect, esteem and devotion to one another and / or your cause.  Many people will pass through our lives but the true friend will love you no matter what and share equally in all that we do.


We talk with our students about being a good “uke” or training partner.  The role of the uke is to facilitate the training of their partner (the tori) by providing appropriate reactions and resistance to help their partner learn how to do the technique!  We are lifting one another UP and making our friends better martial artists and instilling more confidence.


This past week, February 10-13, 2025, I spoke with our students about Loyalty.  Here is a definition that I like, ” Loyalty implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray.  Valuing the loyalty of your friends.  Devotion stresses zeal and service amounting to self-dedication – like a Soke’s devotion to his art!  Many of us were devoted to this guy because he truly loved us and wanted the best for us.


For the week of February 17-20th, 2025 we talked with our students about using “self-control.”  It is important to practice self-discipline and to keeep our emotions under control, try and use good judgement, and use some good ole’ common sense!  The gentleman in the picture with me is Mr. Jay Stokes who owns the world record for the most sky dives in a 24 hour period (640), set back in 2006 in Greensburg, Indiana.  Self-control can be learned…and yes, it can take a lot of practice,  One day while I was talking with Jay a little girl ask him if he ever got nervous when he jumped out of planes?  Jay said, “why yes I have a lot of butterflies  in my tummy when I jump; however the difference between you and me is that I make my butterflies  fly in order!”  Self-control…probably one of life’s most important personal skills!  P.S. –  Keep your Alien under control!


For the week of  February 24-27, 2025 the word we discussed was Intent (ness)!  To have intentness one has to set realistic goals, stay very focused and concentrate on achieving said goals.  How does one do that?  A person has to resist all temptations, be totally determined to achieve their goal and also be very persistent.  I told our students that maybe their next goal was just to get their next belt, but to achieve that goal they must be quiet when Sensei is talking to the class, be a good uke to their partners and work hard in class.  What is your next goal?

Are you intent on getting your next belt?


Our success pillar for the week of March 3-6, 2025 was Alertness.  To be alert one has to observe constantly, be eager to learn and improve.  One must focus and block out all other distractions and concentrate on the task at hand.  Alertness makes you mentally tough and give you the ability to make decisions and take action witout the fear of failure.


Our success pyramid block for Spring Break Week is Initiative!  If you think that you can do it better, by all means, step out of that line and go do it.  Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone.  Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it.  Be enthusiastic and have fun on your journey.  Set your goal and stay the course.  Become relentless no matter what hapens.  Take that chance and go do it!  To quote the line from the Waterboy movie, “YOU CAN do it!”